Monday, July 20, 2009

Culture Unplugged Video

This touching video is the winner of the Berlin Short Film Festival.


Think twice next time you say "I'm starving".

Please feel free to leave a comment if this short film touches you in any way........ and how could it not!

UPDATE: Thanks to reader Ty for reminding us of these commericals that used to frequent the airwaves in the 80's:


Ty said...

Yo, I don't see what the big deal is, those kids look like they were fed very well. lol, I'm playing!! Totally!

World hunger is an issue that in the past few years has gone under the radar. Especially with the economy the way it is, and the war on two fronts. I haven't seen Sally Strothers in a minute either, but it is this one guy that comes on BET in the mornings. I guess not may of us get up that early, but you know I'm up at 5:00am every morning.

But I digress. Very good film, just wish it wouldn't fall on deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

what a way to show what we take for granted!! good film...

Unknown said...

nice short film..

Major Chedda said...

My cousin Michelle always corrects me and others around her when they say "I'm starving". She usually says something to the effect of, "trust me you're NOT starving, you're hungry". And I always gave her the side-eye for being so sensitive. I mean shoot, after half a day without eating when those hunger pains start to hit at 100 mph it surely feels like starvation.

But after watching this film I have to admit I have a whole new found respect for her and the way she always acknowlegdes the struggles of others all over the world on a daily basis and never tolerates the people around her to take their blessings for granted.

I haven't been able to say "I'm starving" since... Ignorance really is bliss.

Ty you're right, I can't remember the last time I saw one of those Sally Struthers commercials... I guess we've pushed so many other issues to the forefront that world hunger isn't one of the hottest topics right now. We got swine flu to worry about, a recession, we have tons of celebrities to stalk and reality shows to watch... not to mention Jon & Kate just got seperated... oh and who can forget that we have a Black president to constantly criticize.