Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Imma show you how to do this Hun!
It seems like ever since we went to war with (certain countries in) the Middle East we have vowed to take over their musical sound in addition to their oil, land and government among other things.
Thus leads me to pointing out the MiddleEastern sound that can be found in many of the popular songs of today (i.e. "Arab Money"). I will now proceed to give you two examples of how this effort can help or hinder an artists attempt to do something different:
Let's start with a group that did all the right things when it came to taking the Arabian inspired vibe and blending it with some American swagga!! My girls ~Electric Red~ killed it with this one:
Cuz I'm That Chick!!!!!!!!! ;) LOL
Now here's when trying to be different goes all the way wrong! and by that I mean UBER FAILL!!!!!
First of all Nikki WTH are you talking about? Further more this song is just annoying and I can't get with this in the club or the crib for that matter, I'm sorry!
Now, I can appreciate all these lovely ladies for taking their music in a different direction than what we're used to. You guys know I'm all for the road less traveled however please make sure your shoe game is tight while traveling down this path... and yes I use this metaphor to say Electric Red came with the heat and Nikki just shouldn't have come at all....................... -- better luck with the next single Nik! Read more!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Go-Getta Girls UNITE!!

Ok so like I was saying the other day in the post about Nikki, I hate the fact that it seems like only 1 rap chick gets to shine at a time.
Well I guess Luda felt the same way as he made it his business to unite some of the "badest" chicks in the game on one track.
Here's the video for the "My Chick Bad" remix:
I have to be honest and say that I think the ladies could have come a little harder but I definitely think Eve's verse was the best and Diamond wasn't too bad herself. Why does Trina always sound the same to me.... :/ (I don't think I've ever heard 1 good punchline from her)
anywho... what do you guys think? Read more!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Take a listen to my favorite song off her new album The Element of Freedom"
"Moment of honesty
Someone's gotta take the lead tonight
Whose it gonna be?
I'm gonna sit right here And tell you all that comes to me
If you have something to say.... You should say it right now
You ready?
You give me a feeling that I never felt before...
And I deserve it, I think I deserve it
It's becoming something that's impossible to ignore.....
And I can't take it" Read more!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Go go girls say................
Teairra Mari's new single "Sponsor" is definitely one of my favorite songs on the radio right now. I've been anxiously awaiting the video to see what lil mama had planned for the treatment. Well, it's nothing out of this world but it's cute nonetheless. I would have liked to see Gucci in it but we all know why that wasn't possible. --FREE GUCCI MANE!--
I can literally listen to this song over and over again... (right boo lol)
Like most songs that I end up LOVING I couldn't stand this song initially. I just thought it exemplified everything negative about what guys think about females nowadays. However, by the third time I heard it I was sold! But... what does the fact that I really like this song say about me?
Does it mean that I'm shallow? materialistic? only interested in what a man can do for me financially??? LOL I can't help but laugh becuase my 'nick'name is Chedda after all so naturally one would think all the above about me. But I don't consider myself to be so one dimensional.
When surveying a prospective mate (of course not now but when I was single ;) ) I did consider factors such as character, morals, trustworthiness, chivalry, sense of humor and other insights into overall personality. However, yes, I do like... no love gifts and the security in knowing that my mate will do anything in his power to make me happy whether that means surprising me with a single rose on a random day of the week or a well planned Caribbean vacation.
Why would you want to be with someone that if need be couldnt do - at minimum- what you can do for yourself?? and if the reality is that they can provide tons more then what's the harm in wanting, expecting and accepting these luxuries???
To me it all boils down to this, KNOW YOUR WORTH!!!
If you're a positive young woman that carries herself as such, stays on her grind, can pay your own bills and keep the ship running all by your lonesome if need be, if you have a college education or (screw a degree) if you have your business game tight..... all these things mean that you are an asset to any guy that's lucky enough to be in your life, and he should treat you as such.
If you are a lazy, worthless biddie that still doesnt know what she wants out of life, stays shaking her assets in the club, has no degree/or no ambition to make something out of yourself other than a hood celebrity for all the wrong reasons.... and u like this song..... then yeah your probably just a groupie gold digger.
It just amazes me that in other societies it is custom and expected that men court woman by showering her (and her family) with gifts, etc. Now-a-days woman are expected to be so independant that if you expect nice things from a man you are somehow less of a good woman.
It's a double standard that guys can rap about spending endless money on us ladies i.e. Fab's "Throw it in the Bag" -- however for us to acknowledge and proclaim our own worth puts a negative glare on it.
Well, back on the subject of the video, I love that in the end Teairra shows her own name on the black American Express credit card like "don't get it twisted, I can Sponsor my damn self" -- if need be!
The overall message of this song to me is this: I got a great man that has my back and endorses me in any situation whether I need him to fill up my cup, fill up my tank, fill up my bank account or just fill up my life with good ole TLC!! I got me a good one!
How bout you stop being mad at me and go get urs..... Go-getta girl mentality fo sho!!
I'll leave you with these words:
"Cause a queen 'posed to get what she desires, what she wants / If my lady likes to eat then Imma buy her restaurants!"
sounds good to me!
Wait!! Scratch that!!! I just heard the new Fab mixtape (sick) and I got one better for you.....
"You don't treat her like a queen, you gone be a lonely king!"
This is why I love Hip-Hop!!

Now I've already posted my feelings towards NM. I truly appreciate the shot of life/excitement/newness she's given to the female rap game and yes while I do cringe at some of her work I do also find her grind and business savy impressive. And yes much of her lyrics even quotable at times!!
Shes different from what's come before (in terms of delivery - not content) and I just miss having solid female artists in rotation.
I say this all the time, there are tons of male rappers in the game, some wack some nice, but for the most part they get in where they fit in and that's how we get variety in the music that's out there. We can hear an animated Luda record (never realized how much Nikki flows like him until "My Chick Bad") and at the same time we can get a Brooklyn fly guy flow from Fab.... with a splash of southern swag from Jeezy, etc.
When it comes to the females it's always a choice. It's like there's a 1 chick in the game at a time rule or something.
Long gone are the days of Foxy, Kim, Eve, Trina all having records out at the same time.
But back to the issue at hand... it was only a matter of time before "the streets" spoke up on how MAAANNNNNYYYYY listeners feel out there. No surprise that it took a B-More broad (luv them) to put Nikki's antics on blast and take shots directly at her head.
I'm feeling Keys and honestly the girl can spit. Yeah yeah she's a bit outta shape and can work on her breathing skills but who isn't outta shape these days lmao! (Thats another topic)
Hip-hop was built on the conceopt of the "battle-rap" so it's only natural that females would come for Nikki's head (especially because she's on that whole plastic/fake barbie tip). Another thing hip-hop thrives on is authenticity and "realness". Yes Nikki is from the streets and only blew up through her unrelenting grind BUT her direction has comepletely gone left from that cute, relatable around the way girl from Queens that just wanted to live out her dreams -- to -- in her words the rap Miley Cyrus.
like really....
Just check out the footage and you tell me what you think. Is shorty jus a mad hater, on the corner with nothing better to do than sweat Nikki and film a fanatical video spewing hatred -OR- is this a valid lyrical rapper expressing her disgust at the bubblegum barbie bullsh*t that has taken over the game and brainwashed the kiddies?
I side with the latter.
Every day I hear people "hating" on Nikki Minaj. And I use that term hating losely because in this day and age you can't state an honest opposing opinion without being considered a "hater". But anyway thats another story as well....
I say more power to Keys. If this is the beginning of her own come up then so be it. Not only was Nikki's most reputable poster to date a replica of lil Kim's Hardcore album cover but Nikki herself did not hesitate to bash Kim & Foxy along her rise to the top.
Read more!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Phoenix House gets Glam thanks to Queen Bey!!

Beyonce knowles gets sooo much flack from everyone for reasons that I will NEVER understand. Iguess when you're on top the only place they can try to bring you is down!
I mean she breaks grammy records but to some ... she just can't sing. She did an outstanding job in the role of Etta James in the film Cadillac Records and has several solid movies under her belt yet to many..... she can't act. Beyonce is more than physically fit and is usually always well put together but to millions of haters, sorry..... I mean people.... she can't dress.
Well you know what! I can't wait to hear the criticism on this one!
Truly a beautiful woman inside and out, Beyonce has made it her mission to touch people's lives in a way that surpasses any movie role or song.
Last week was the grand opening of the cosmetology school that Beyonce along with her mom Tina Knowles have launched at the Phoenix house right here in good ole BK!
Phoenix House is the largest non-profit alcohol and drug abuse treatment and prevention facility in the nation! After donating her entire salary from Cadillac Records to this institution Bey was determined to do more to help the inspiring women she had the opportunity to meet and talk with during her time there in 2007; while studying for her role as the legendary singer.
Check out the below video of her interview on Good Morning America:
One thing is for sure, you can never go wrong learning cosmetology. Heck I even make a couple dollars on the side doing a friend's hair every now and again. The skills that these women will take away gives them the freedom to go out into the world and make an honest living anywhere they might end up.
I love it!
Good job Bey! Read more!