This weekend I joined a group of close friends for the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk that took place at several locations across the state. We joined the Brooklyn crew in Prospect Park and had so much fun!! The ACS website states that these walks would be held "Rain or Shine" and they weren't lying about that. We did the 3.2 mile trek in less than desireable weather. It was 40°F, raining and windy. But you know, I think the rain only served to encourage us even more in our efforts.... people had pink ponchos, pink umbrellas, pink rainboots and an unwavering determination to face nature head on. I threw on a cap and called it a day. Hey, what's a little bit of wind and water when so much is at stake!
Overall I thought the day was beautiful. For once my friends and I hung out and it wasn't about going to a party, dressing fly and looking cute. We wore sweat pants, no make-up (ok I wore a little) and just felt comfortable as we were, working together for a common goal. Breast cancer doesn't care if you're cute. It doesn't discriminate against Hispanic, Asian, Black, White or green for that matter. It's a tragic disease that's responsible for 15% of cancer related deaths this year alone.
Although I don't personally know anyone that has ever battled this disease I still think it's very important that we keep fighting to find a cause and cure because Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women. One never knows what life may throw their way and I can only hope and pray that I nor any of my loved ones ever have to fight this tragic disease.
There are some people out there really making a difference in the fight against this disease. On the ACS site you can find a list of people that they call Pacesetters. These are people that were able to raise $2,500 or more for the Society.
Here are the 2009 Pacesetters of Brooklyn:
Kathleen Matthew
Joy Soodik
Brenda Ulmer
Kris Kim
Dawn Thompson
Arlene White
Nadine Younge
Marie Devino
Marjorie Stenerson
Theresa Samuels
Audrey Moore
Pat Wright
Wanda Ricketts
Jeanette Morales
Eventhough my friend OC (Oceola Woodruff) didn't make this year's list I still consider her to be a Pacesetter in my community! Great job girl!! Next year we're getting you on that list for sure!
Here are some pics from our walk:
Overall I thought the day was beautiful. For once my friends and I hung out and it wasn't about going to a party, dressing fly and looking cute. We wore sweat pants, no make-up (ok I wore a little) and just felt comfortable as we were, working together for a common goal. Breast cancer doesn't care if you're cute. It doesn't discriminate against Hispanic, Asian, Black, White or green for that matter. It's a tragic disease that's responsible for 15% of cancer related deaths this year alone.
Although I don't personally know anyone that has ever battled this disease I still think it's very important that we keep fighting to find a cause and cure because Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women. One never knows what life may throw their way and I can only hope and pray that I nor any of my loved ones ever have to fight this tragic disease.
There are some people out there really making a difference in the fight against this disease. On the ACS site you can find a list of people that they call Pacesetters. These are people that were able to raise $2,500 or more for the Society.
Here are the 2009 Pacesetters of Brooklyn:
Kathleen Matthew
Joy Soodik
Brenda Ulmer
Kris Kim
Dawn Thompson
Arlene White
Nadine Younge
Marie Devino
Marjorie Stenerson
Theresa Samuels
Audrey Moore
Pat Wright
Wanda Ricketts
Jeanette Morales
Eventhough my friend OC (Oceola Woodruff) didn't make this year's list I still consider her to be a Pacesetter in my community! Great job girl!! Next year we're getting you on that list for sure!
Here are some pics from our walk:

It felt good hitting the first mile!

there I go... always on that Crackberry smh

2 Miles down baby! You can't stop us now!!!

Some kids that helped to raise funds:

Wow! This is what it's all about!

One thing's for sure they weren't going to let us get dehydrated. Water was on DECK! :)

Some signs of encouragement along the route:
Almost there!!

We did it!

OC was the driving force behind getting us all involved in the walk. At the end she gave a speech thanking us for showing our support!
I love how the West Indian spirit that's a trademark of this Brooklyn community was alive and well during the event. Steel drum players were on site sharing some sweet Caribbean sounds for the participants:

At the finish line they handed out some eats and beverages for all the participants and of course we gladly accepted! LOL!

Fun times indeed!!!
And just because I know she would appreciate it here's a pic of OC on one of her usual Glam nights ;):

If you have a story about Breast cancer or participated in any of the walks across NY this past weekend please feel free to share your thoughts.....................................................................
great job guys i didnt make it this year...
I'm Loving this blog about the walk!! You've always been a great writer...keep it up!
And I cant thank you enough for your support. It was great to have my friends walk along side me for such a great cause.
Like you I don't personally know anyone that has battled the disease, but the statics of how many women are affected are scary to say the least. Im grateful that we were able to contribute to finding a cure and creating awareness.
Again...THANK YOU!
Oh and thanks for adding the glam shot ;-)
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