For young ladies, of my generation, there are certain books that we most definitely read growing up, some even several times over. Books like Fly Girl, The Coldest Winter Ever, B-More Careful & Push are staples in our collection. For me personally they bring back memories of my younger days and have even helped to teach me a thing or two of what not to do, and how to cope with certain obstacles in life. Lessons that I learned by walking with the leading ladies of these stories. Rooting for them, feeling their pain, crying with them and laughing with them... their stories are our stories.
I still remember the day my cousin Michelle gave me this little red book with big black letters on the front that spelled one simple word... PUSH! It would turn out to be one of the most important reads of my life! (like Coldest Winter) I had never read anything like that before. There was sex, incest, abuse, illiteracy.... and by the end of the book there was hope, education, love and so much promise for the possibilities that lay ahead for our determined protagonist.
The book Push is a tesitment to the notion that dreams do come true. When you're hungry enough for it you can acheive it. Precious wanted to learn. She wanted to be loved. She just wanted an opportunity towards a different life, a better life. And despite her mother, her peers and her circumstances saying otherwise she acheived those things.
I still remember the day my cousin Michelle gave me this little red book with big black letters on the front that spelled one simple word... PUSH! It would turn out to be one of the most important reads of my life! (like Coldest Winter) I had never read anything like that before. There was sex, incest, abuse, illiteracy.... and by the end of the book there was hope, education, love and so much promise for the possibilities that lay ahead for our determined protagonist.
The book Push is a tesitment to the notion that dreams do come true. When you're hungry enough for it you can acheive it. Precious wanted to learn. She wanted to be loved. She just wanted an opportunity towards a different life, a better life. And despite her mother, her peers and her circumstances saying otherwise she acheived those things.
Life is something else. I find it in a way poetic that the dreams of my friend Chyna Layne are being realized through her involvement in the movie remake of Push, Precious. Chyna is a young woman from the mean streets of East New York that has dedicated herself to hard work and forging her way to the top. Finally the grinding, the Dr. Miracle's commercials, tons of independant films and minor roles are paying off and she is being recognized for the force that she is! Dreams really do come true!
I still remember the first time she mentioned to my boyfriend (her best friend) that she was going to be in the movie version of Push. It was almost as though she didn't get how BIG of a deal this was going to be. I was super excited for her and I already knew then, that her life was about to change. Well...... she definitely gets it now lol!
The beautiful and talented Ms. Layne was on Good Day New York today talking about the movie Precious and the praises it's been receiving all over the film industry. This film presented by Oprah Winphrey & Tyler Perry (OMG!) has been taking the film festivals by storm; so far it's won Grand Jury Prize for best drama, an Audience Award at Sundance, People's Choice in Toronta and Monique (who plays the role of the abusive mother) won a special Grand Jury award for acting.
Check out her interview:
I couldn't be happier for Chyna!! I personally think she should start lobbying for her role in the film remake of Coldest Winter, whenever that actually happens. I've been holding my breathe for years now that we'll eventually have that movie, and I'm not going to give up on it just yet :). Come on Jada I thought you were working on this.......
Can't you guys see Chyna as a Simone or Lauren. I love it! :D
Check out the Trailer for Precious here.
And here are some pics of her on set with fellow castmates:
On the set of Precious, in character:

The ladies in class chopping it up:

Miss Layne is not stopping at roles in front the camera. She has her own Production company and has also begun testing her Screenwriting skills. Sky's the limit for this woman! Go girl!

With her best friend & my baby, Cisco:

On set of a Dr. Miracle's commercial:

With directore Nelson George:
In character, lmao!
Chyna has also been working on a new movie entitled "We Are Family" co-starring Monique Coleman from HighSchool musical, Frenchie Davis (my alum), D Woods, Omarossa and others.
Chyna & Trey Haley, the director of "We Are Family"

On set with D Woods:

You can check out Chyna's Reel here.
And just for kicks here's a throwback pic of BFF's!! lol

If you've ever seen any of Chyna's work or would like to share your thoughts on her please feel free to leave a comment..........................................................................................
I definitely can not wait for this movie to drop! It took me only 4 hours to read this book from cover to cover, that's how good it was. But it was very very disturbing. I'm anxious to see what from the book stays in the movie, and what they take out. I can't imagine Monique playing "that" role. I'm sure she does phenomenal, but I don't want to picture her in that role. I won't spoil the book or movie for your readers Ched, but you know that incest shit went waaaaay too far!
On another note, I'm glad to see your homegirl is on the rise. We need more of us in the limelight.
Mereesa I love how you are always showing your friends support you are truely a beautiful person inside and out. Good luck to Chyna I wish her so much success and happiness... It's about time black women got our shine...
I seen the movie last night, she was AWESOME!!! She played a good YARDEY.
Thanks Ty!! xoxo
Dont know if you saw the film yet because it's had such a limited release but thank goodness they didnt show the incest part (with her mom) as explicitly as I thought they would. I wasn't ready for all that girl smh
Thanks Fina!!! xoxo I really appreciate you saying that. Eventhough it's just people's opinions (and everyone is entitled to theirs, whether good or bad) I think it's good to put some positive energy into the blogosphere where people are sooo quick to Hate rather than show love!
Thanks Star!!! I really thought she did a great job in her supporting role too!! All the girls in the class did their thing but Chyna, the girl with the glasses and the lesbian classmate (Jermaine) really stood out to me! Chyna's actually half Jamaican so Im sure that helped her prepare for this role. We all saw it together when it debuted and she was overjoyed! Sooo happy for that girl! Only bigger and better things to come for her God-willing!
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