Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What We Talking Bout? J. Cole Edition

Here's some footage of my new favorite rapper speaking on several topics.

First and formost the beef between Jay and Beenie Siegel.
I love J. Cole's honestly. He's like first of all I don't know enough about that situation to really have an opinion on it. Secondly that's not my style to be on the front line of Jay's beef, Im a school dude lol, not a street cat or a battle rapper. I think it's really impressive that J chose to use school as his vehicle to his true dream of becoming a rapper. He knew that it would be much easier for him to catch a break in this game on the New York scene but instead of coming up here all wet behind the ears he enrolled in NYU and actually got a degree while grinding on his music career. Now if that isn't smart I don't know what is.... quick shout out to all the young men enrolled in college trying to better themselves. You guys wouldn't believe how lop sided the ration of men to woman is at the college level. But I'll save that rant for another post.

J. Cole goes on to say that, like any fan can tell, Beenie's words are coming from a real place of pain! I don't see Siegel as the type to go at Jay's head for no reason. These two definitely have some issues that need to be resolved.

All I know is I rocks with Beens and I'm hating this feud right now. smh. But sometimes "friends" let us down. At the same time maybe he needs to take accountability for his role in all this... I don't know. Like Cole said we don't know all the facts and I guess only time will tell how this story will play out.

Regarding comparisons to Drake I guess it's inevitable. They're both the new guys, both "light-skin" lol and both extremely talented. I mean hey I dont see it as an insult. But I can imagine that to be pretty annoying and frusrtating to Cole; especially since their contents are completely different!

Anyway just wanted to share a little bit from this guy. He's extremely insightful and I would warn you to get used to him!

Please feel free to leave a comment on anything Cole (or I) said that strikes a nerve...............................................................................................

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