I just wanted to take a moment to show much love to Natasha Eubanks, the creator of one of my favorite blogs, The YBF! She was recently featured on the cover of Black Enterprise magazine along with other young Black entrepreneurs unde ther age of 35 that have paved their own roads towards success. Check out her interview here.
I visit this site daily. I don't drink coffee so the YBF serves as my morning cup of Joe and because of that I definitely feel like I played a little part in this accomplishment.
Last year Natasha's blogsite generated $1 million dollars in revenue!
Tasha explains that her"purpose has evolved from just simply writing about red carpets, fab celebrities, and foolywang. I hope to create a path for others to see and follow that encompasses ownership of our own brands and businesses, responsibility, being fabulous in our own right, and putting our own community on a pedestal."
I personally think that Natasha embodies everything that her blog stands for. The empowerment of the Young Black and Fabulous! Go head Girl!!

If you've ever visited Natasha's blog, The YBF, please feel free to share your thoughts on her site................................................................................................................................
p.s. ok people... this just goes to show you that every view counts... if you like what I have going on here please feel free to view my blog as many times a day as you wish! ;) Just keep on clicking! leave a comment! Scroll around make yourself comfortable! Maybe one day I too can boast of turning my hobby into a money making machine like Tasha! Hey..... it can happen! :D
Keep it up and I am definitely here to support any woman looking to go forward and better herself in a positive way! Continue to be blessed and have the faith to get you where you are destined to be!!!
awww thanks Jilly!!!! I truly appreciate you girl! xoxo :)
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