Just in case you didn't know, today is World AIDS day! There are 33.2 million people worlwide that are currently living with AIDS. I am rocking my red ribbon today in support of raising awareness about this tragic disease which claims hundreds of thousands of lives every year. Every day over 6,800 people become infected with the HIV virus; that's almost 5 people every minute! That's crazy!!
What's even crazier to me is that HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death in African American women ages 25-34. WOOOOWWW!!!!! smh
We all need to practice safe sex and get tested regualrly!!! There's no if, and or buts about it!.
To this day I still remember the very first time I ever took an AIDS test!. Well actually I should say the first time I stuck around to get the results of an AIDS test. It was the longest hour of my life. I was at Howard and testers set up a booth in one of the school buildings. A group of us went and got tested and all I kept thinking was what the hell am I going to do if my results come back positive. Praise God it was negative BUT I can only imagine how many of my peers weren't so lucky that day.
Around the world AIDS kills one child every minute. We are truly losing our future to this monster. Guys it is up to us to do all that we can to promote safe sex, abstinence, drug-free living and just better health in general.
I hope that you all do your part in this fight.
As far as myself,my cousin Garvin and I are producing Brooklyn College's Annual AIDS Awareness Charity Fashion Show this coming Saturday (December 5th). Tickets are $15 and it includes dinner as well as the show. Every year the school chooses a different caribbean island to send the proceeds to.This year they have chosen St. Vincent!!
We all need to practice safe sex and get tested regualrly!!! There's no if, and or buts about it!.
To this day I still remember the very first time I ever took an AIDS test!. Well actually I should say the first time I stuck around to get the results of an AIDS test. It was the longest hour of my life. I was at Howard and testers set up a booth in one of the school buildings. A group of us went and got tested and all I kept thinking was what the hell am I going to do if my results come back positive. Praise God it was negative BUT I can only imagine how many of my peers weren't so lucky that day.
Around the world AIDS kills one child every minute. We are truly losing our future to this monster. Guys it is up to us to do all that we can to promote safe sex, abstinence, drug-free living and just better health in general.
I hope that you all do your part in this fight.
As far as myself,my cousin Garvin and I are producing Brooklyn College's Annual AIDS Awareness Charity Fashion Show this coming Saturday (December 5th). Tickets are $15 and it includes dinner as well as the show. Every year the school chooses a different caribbean island to send the proceeds to.This year they have chosen St. Vincent!!

I ask that if your schedule is free, come join us and help this cause. It is such a great way to help in the fight against the spread of AIDS.
Please feel free to share your thoughts on this disease and the importance of World AIDS day to you......................................................................
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