Friday, September 25, 2009

Nikki's All about the Benjamins Baby!!

For those who care and those who've been following this young lady for sometime now, looks like the most unique and interesting chick in rap, in a long time, will be dropping her first LP very soon. She's now officially signed to Young Money/Universal Records and is scheduled to release her first album in the first quarter next year.

Of course I had my doubts about Nikki Minaj. I thought, oh boy here we go with another bubble gum rapper trying to be the next Lil Kim. Now, I don't know why she doesn't like the Lil Kim comparisons when a) Kim's a legend and b) she purposely did a photoshoot channeling Kim's Hardcore album cover. I mean come on now Nikki, you knew exactly what kind of feedback you would get from a move like that. Furthermore she stay rapping about... well... you know... the usual Kim ish!
But to be quite honest our generation grew up to Kim and Foxy. They were all we had to emulate so it's only natural that you'd here their influences in artists of a certain age coming outta NY.

But anyway, after doing my homework on her I must say that I really like her and I'm rooting for her success 100%.

She seems like an overall driven and talented young woman that's not going to come and go as quietly as people may think. She has her eyes set on (print) modeling and acting, and she has a pretty good singing voice on her too. Girl I say go for it ALL!

I do still believe that she is a bubble gum rapper in the sense that, the whole Pop, girly-girl image is her thing! She stay's in pink, sounds and dresses like a cartoon character, however her lyrics are far from soft. Yes, her voice has the tendency to get very ANNOYINGGG!! But, her skills makes it tolerable cause you want to hear what her next punch line will be.

In the above footage Nikki describes her ideal guys as "Old wrinkled and white on a green peice of paper"!! hahahaa I love it! I don't think there's anything wrong with women being all about their paper. There's a time in life for everything and right now she's grinding and won't allow boys to deter her from her many goals.

On another note, if you don't want to be compared to Kim take it easy on the body distortion Nikki. Already she has a** and t*ts bigger than ever before. smh

Her mixtape Beam Me Up Scotty has been extremely well received and she's always featuring on somebody else's joint. Can't wait to see what she does with her own album.

Check out some of her old and new joints and tell me what you think of her:

Warning here

Playtime is Over here

Envy here

Still I Rise here

She Gotta Donk remix here

Go Hard remix here

I had to throw this video up here just because she's repping super hard! lol Trini!! yeah yeah!!


Ty said...

Okay, I been waiting 2 years for you to give me a response about how you felt about this chick. In the beginning, I was like "who is this chick, think she Kim, re-doing Biggie's classic?!?!" But I must say, that she has grown on me. But she's not for me. Yes she's 25, but the way she's progressed in the 3 mixtapes I have of hers (Playtime's Over, Sucka Free, and Beam Me Up Scotty) I see she is more for the the younger crew.

When she first came out, she came out real hard (i.e Playtime's Over). This mixtape sounded like it could of came out mid to late 90s when female rap was at it's peak. Sucka Free was a bit more polished because of the influence and back up of Lil' Wayne. And to compare her first with the latest, Beam Me Up Scotty, it sounds and feels like 2 different people. You can see where somebody told her that she would have to "step her cookies up" and become more marketable. Just looking at old videos from 2 years ago to know, you can see that change taking place. I guess it's a good thing. I recently started to bang Nikki in my car. And if you know me, my car only plays the stuff I know I'm going to listen to. But the difference between her and the female rappers we grew up on is... I'm older! I'm no longer looking to female rappers as something I aspire to be, or be like. So that's why I take Nikki very lightly. Almost like teeny bopper music. Just some of the lyrics are like, "okay, if I was 15 I would be hyped". But all in all, she hasn't said anything to shock me except for the fact that's she's bi-sexual and raps about it. But really Trina did that in 1998, so... I'm not as shocked. But it all boils down to this, I would buy the album when it comes out soley because I seen her go from a nobody to a somebody.

The End,
I get loose when I'm drinking goose, so I know my thoughts are every where. LOL

Major Chedda said...

Ur thoughts are straight as a pin girl and I agree with you 100%

lol@ u waiting for my response for years...

While I definitely root for her in the sense of seeing her evolve from a young chick just trying her hardest to be seen/heard and get her foot in the door - to being recognized and endorsed by one of the biggest artists in the rap game - to touring and signing her first major record deal (while acquiring millions of fans before signing or really having anything in rotation on the radio) I have to respect that!!

But what youre saying is soo true Ty! Its like shes gone left from what I originally thought she was bringing to the table... I think shes wayy better than what shes decided to turn the Nikki Minaj brand into. I saw so much potential in her as the next up to really be a voice for our age group BUT shes very aware that her audience is young and rather POP and Ive just chucked the changes in her style, delivery and image up to... thats whose shes catering to. point blank. Shes going where the money is girl.
shes purposely stepping out the rap box and molding this character to ensure she kicks in the door with pop appeal

Ty you know we like that real shit with as little add ons as possible (I mean thats what Hip-Hop used to be based on) When i first started following her and saw the Biggie remakes etc I was loving it. I could relate to that. Im like ok a chick about her bread knowing shes that B*tch, going thru hood sh*t but smart and smooth enough to make it up out. Pretty, but hard spittin... what more could we ask for after a lack of females in Hip-Hop for so long...... then we patiently wait for her to bring this back to music.... and what we get is a frikkin Barbie with a Barbie dictionary and a teeny-bopper cult following, an ever growing a** and a flow thats more theatrical than thorough.... wth

Hey it is what it is. I think shes still finding herself and if shes not sucked too far into the Matrix of the money making machine that this industry is we just may see Scotty send her a** back down to earth lol.

Shes above what she is right now, but the girl is focused and has her eyes on branchin off to other areas of entertrainment. Im very interested to see what couse her career will take.

***sidenote: who woulda ever thought that video girl LL woulda went from that Pharell video- to everyones favorite black girl next door-to Weezys 3rd baby momma- to who knows***

I think its all about drive and what you choose to make of your life and I think Nikki has the drive to do big things.

take a sip for me girl!

Ty said...

I hear you Ched. Gotta give it up for the drive. And she's always said that she only sees the rap game as a business, so I gotta at least respect that.

But on some real sh*t, Ched I think you need to kick a mean 16 again, and do it like I know you can! I think you should just dust off your lyric book, and work magic! The female rap game needs a boost, and I think now is your time to fill that void. Nicki's cool, but I know you can be cooler. Think about it. Back then, every chick wanted to rap. Now who we got... NOBODY, so the market's open. I think you should slide on in and bring home.

Unknown said...

i hear that Trendsetta Chedda album is in the making....cant wait.........Nikki is cool i hope she has something else to offer the female rap game beside sex and money!