I have to be honest and say that I think the definition of a marriage should remain as the sacred union between a man and a woman. However that does not mean that I am against gay couples that choose to have their union observed under the law, sharing the same priviledges of a married couple such as hospital visits, health benefits, life insurance etc.
I respect The Word, and I don't think we should go around changing it just to suit our social climate of acceptance and tolerance. And what a beautiful climate that is. But, that is precisely what the law is for. I think we should accomodate for different kinds of unions. At the end of the day love is love regardless of gender, creed, race or any other factors.
UPDATE: check out the footage of E.R.'s shoot:
For those of you living under a rock, just this week President Obama signed an executive order granting benefits to same sex partners of federal emplyees.
To quote the President:
"We've got more work to do to ensure that government treats all its citizens equally, to fight injustice and intolerance in all its forms and to bring about that more perfect union"

Please feel free to leave a comment and voice your opinions on Prop 8, Electrik Red, or any other thoughts that this post invokes.........
I believe that people are able to like who they like without any harrasment, but i also believe that marriages should remain male and female. It was written and SHOULD REMAIN that way. Now as far as health care, life insurance every man woman and child should be entitled to that. I just don't believe in man and man or vice versa getting married.
I don't really like this topic because it makes me feel like a hypocrit. I can say I'm against same sex marriages without even thinking about it just off the strength of my religious beliefs. At the same time I don't condem nor do I have a problem associating with people who choose that lifestyle (except the over the top flamboyant ones). In regards to prop 8 I would have to say nay. I think the ones pushing the bill used a lot of fear and peoples religious convictions to get a law that seems, to me at least, unconstitutional in several ways. It crosses over into church and state being seperate (you'll have to do your own research and form your own opinion). "Having their union observed under the law..." and "accomodating different types of unions...", reminds me of the "Seperate But Equal" belief that supported segregation. Same sex marriage is just one of those things that will always cause controversy, regardless of how tolerant we become.
Electrik Red will jump on any movement to create a buzz. I can't think of any other girl groups in the game right now so how hard was it to consider them your favorite? They do serve as pretty good eye candy. I especially like the tape over their mouths. 3LW, now there's a girl group for you.
First off, why do we have to accomodate people based on what they do in their bedrooms. I don't have any problem with gay or lesbian people, as a matter of fact, I know plenty and some are very good friends, but I DO NOT agree with gay marriages! Once you begin to alter the sanctity of marraige being between man and wife, that's when I have a problem.
Why are people looking for rights based soley on who they sleep with?!?! Okay, your gay, I got it, but I don't care! Since when is that a reason you should or shouldn't have certain rights?
Instead of fighting to change the definition of marraige, fight for the right for ANYONE regardless of sexual orientation to visit their loved ones in the hospital, or to be put on insurance policy, or any other legal woe you complain about. That's ridiculous to me. It shouldn't be anyone's business but your own about what you do in your bedroom. And I don't think anyone should try to gain or lose a right because of it.
I know you didn't just offer 3LW as your example of a hot girl group... no thanks Jermaine :). Not quite my cup of tea. But I do like Adrienne Bailon's style and personality. She was adorable on Keeping up with the Kardashians. (was NOT feeling how she released those nacked pics of herself on the web... now THAT's a publicity stunt for you)
Back to the point at hand. Electrik Red is my favorite girl group because I know and love these girls personally so I am partial to anything they do! There you go! And I can tell you that these girls are super sweet and loving and being in the arts themselves naturally have tons of GLBT friends, and I know their support of Prop 8 is from a place of honesty and openness; and not just some stunt to create a buzz.
F.Y.I. Electrik Red will be performing on one of the floats in the NY Pride parade coming up on Sunday, June 28th. If you see them show them love!
What's good lil homie :). As you've been informed I'm your #1 fan. I only said those things about Electrik Red because someone told me you had a personal connection to them. I used 3LW because I couldn't think of a more irrelevant girl group at the time. I don't even know who Adrienne what her name is but do the kid a favor and post that link to those naked pics, I'm playing, no I'm not. I appreciate the forum that you provide to inform, educate, and discuss issues (some more relevant than others) through your blog. Before this I was very anti-blogging, but these last few days it has given my miserable life purpose (Ty will explain). It would be better if more of these seemingly thougthless, lazy followers of yours would show some sign of life by voicing an opinion on anything once in a while (lik a shot for Jessica).
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