Well... being the Trini to De' Bone that I am, of course I had a blast this weekend repping my beautiful island to the fullest for Labor Day Weekend. By the time the actual Labor Day Parade rolled around on Monday I was completely exhausted... so no, I didn't make it out to the Parkway. But I had so much fun taking part in all the festivities leading up to the big Parade.
I started my weekend of festivities by heading straight over to the Hookie Reunion Party @ club Venus. I saw lots of familiar faces from my junior high/high school days. It was the perfect warm-up to a long weekend.
Me & Alicia @ the Hookie Party:
Friday night I had a ball at Brass Fest: The hottest Soca artists of today performed: Machel Montano, Iwer George, Bunji Garlan & his wife Fay-Anne Lyons, KMC... etc.
The museum was packed!:

Don't mind the Blackberry pics ;) ....

(pics courtesy of TriniSoca.com/not taken at this year's Brass fest)
Then on Saturday I headed to the Museum once again for Panorama. I can't lie I was extremely disappointed as the best band was cheated out of the #1 spot. CASYM Steel Orchestra were the true Champs this year but the judges gave it to, Sonatas. On the low, I heard there was alot of politics involved with this win, as many big-wigs flew in from Canada and Trinidad to play with the band. Hey, that's Trickidadians for you.
The true Champs (C.A.S.Y.M.):
I ran into my favorite boy in the Museum taking in the culture:
On Sunday night I went to Volume 2's afterparty to Amnesia (one of the best parties this weekend!)
My brother & I:
Lastly, after Volume 2, I stopped thru my girlfriend Aviance's baby shower held @ the Picnic House located in the middle of Prospect Park. The spot is beautiful and so was the mommy to be. Unfortunately I don't have pictures to share at this time because my friend Arlene is a Major procrastinator and hasn't sent them to me yet!! ugh! I'll update as soon as I can.
Overall I must say that this Labor Day Weekend was one of the best I've had in a long time. The weather was great, I hung out with family and close friends and it just feels really good to get in touch with you roots every now and again.
If you have anything to share about how you spent your Holiday weekend please leave a comment.................................
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